Browning consultant Leigh Maitland was an early supporter of our efforts and Crabtree Towers. He fishes with his own ‘Peter’, 7 year-old Riain, whose latest request is for a centrepin! We asked them to read and review John Bailey’s new book ‘Fishing in the Footsteps of Mr. Crabtree’. Here’s what they thought:

“Being a Crabtree child and growing up on the River Ouse and fishing from the original book with my late grandfather, you can imagine how excited I was to be asked to write a review on the new book.

I chose not to just sit down with my feet up and read it from cover to cover but, as my grandfather once did for me all those years ago, I read it to my 7yr old son Riain as bedtime stories over the Christmas period.

This was both enjoyable for Riain and myself as when we read I acted as John and he as Peter, I could see the excitement and magic in his eyes that I once had at a similar age at around 8 in the evenings.

I am very caught up in the match scene these days and it really has inspired me to get back out and have a simple days pleasure fishing and I know for a fact I will have my own little Peter very close at hand :-)

I asked Riain what he thought of the book. In a true 7yr old style his reply was…”It’s the best book in the world” and that, I am not going to argue with.

I found it to be a wonderful adaptation of the original book, it didn’t lose any heart, very informative, educational and kept to the true Crabtree style, just a modern take for today’s anglers.”

Buy your copy now – click the image below…